
A Jiu-Jitsu learning tool that helps you track your progress, recall & practice techniques, and build a plan for your moves. Accelerating your progress on the mats.

Are you tired of feeling like you're constantly getting smashed on the mats?

Maybe you’re super determined to get really good at Jiu-Jitsu, but life keeps getting in the way and you can’t train as often as you’d like because of your schedule or an injury.

Maybe you’re training your butt off day after day, but feel like your progress has stalled. Or, worst of all, maybe you’re struggling to remember any of the Jiu-Jitsu moves you’ve learned when your rolling. 

If any of this sounds familiar, then you need to check out JitsBook! It could be just the solution you need to take your game to the next level.

An Essential Jiu-Jitsu Learning Tool

JitsBook is a website and mobile app designed specifically for Jiu-Jitsu enthusiasts who want to get the most out of their training.  It helps you stay focused on your Jiu-Jitsu progress, provides a clear method for integrating Jiu-Jitsu techniques into skills your body performs, and assists with evolving your Jiu-Jitsu game.

Focused On Your Jiu-Jitsu Progress

Whether you are busy with life or busy with daily classes, it is easy to coast with your Jiu-Jitsu training.  Being busy means that we often forget what was taught in class and then find that our progress has plateaued.  Worst, we use the same moves over and over in rolling and are not evolving our Jiu-Jitsu game.

With JitsBook, you stay focused on your Jiu-Jitsu progress.  A mobile app helps you stay motivated and keeps track of your performance on the mats.  Weekly and monthly reports to ensure you are advancing towards your goals.  Journaling & technique notes makes sure you remember what you learned and reinforces your knowledge.  Then reviewing that knowledge while designing your own Jiu-Jitsu strategies.

JitsBook has tools that ensures that you are progressing every step of the way from learning new techniques to applying it skillfully during your rolls.

Jiu-Jitsu Purposed Notes

Keeping a journal of your Jiu-Jitsu journey helps you become effective at Jiu-Jitsu faster.  You can record techniques that you learned in class and note any details that make the move easier and more efficient.

Yet, most don’t take Jiu-Jitsu notes because it is tedious and challenging to handle.  You could forget or lose your notebook.  You need to flip pages and search for the technique you want to review.  Even dedicating time to further study Jiu-Jitsu techniques and reviewing your notes seems demanding.

JitsBook is an innovative note-taking app designed for Jiu-Jitsu practitioners.  It has a unique notes structure that can capture how techniques are connected, save photos, and link to online videos.  This makes it fully capable to record any techniques your learned in classes, seminars, instructionals, and online.

Furthermore, JitsBook makes these same notes available when drilling or when designing your Jiu-Jitsu strategy so you can internalize your knowledge.

Simple Yet Powerful Drills Management

Reviewing your Jiu-Jitsu notes and want to drill it?  Add it to your JitsBook’s drills list with a click of a button.  See an online video of a move you want to try?  Include that video in your notes and add it to your drills list.  Want to perfect your strongest move? Add it to the drills list and track it with JitsBook Drills.

JitsBook Drills is a simple to-do list of techniques you want to practice.  More commonly called a drills list, it makes it easy to manage techniques you want to focus on while writing, reviewing, or expanding your notes.  Once on the list, you can try the techniques, find ways to improve them, and incorporate them into your skills set when you are drilling on the mats.

JitsBook Drills is powerful because you have access to all the information you’ve gathered about a technique when you’re ready to practice. This way, you can perform the move without overlooking any details.

Additionally, you can keep track of how many times you practice each move and record any improvements you make. This helps you continuously evolve your technique and ensure you practice it sufficiently.

Evolve Your Jiu-Jitsu Game

As you become more experienced in Jiu-Jitsu, you’ll develop your own Jiu-Jitsu game. This can be as simple as mastering a specific position and the techniques used in that position. Or, it can be more complex, involving a series of linked positions, each with its unique set of your preferred techniques.

The most challenging aspect of Jiu-Jitsu is growing and adapting your game. While practicing, you form habits that help you perform techniques quickly and efficiently. However, these same habits can lead to repeating the same moves in each time you roll. Over time, you’ll realize the need to modify your approach based on different opponents and skill levels. Modifications that requires hours of training time and sharp focus.

JitsBook Games Designer makes it easier for you to evolve your game by using the JitsBook Framework, a mental map of Jiu-Jitsu positions and techniques.  With this mental map, you can model your game on JitsBook and make all the rolling decisions ahead of time so you can react faster during the roll.  This allows you to modify your game, create new games, or review your games so that they are ready for you to drill and use in a roll.

The JitsBook Framework

The JitsBook Framework helps you make sense of the vastness of Jiu-Jitsu by organizing positions and techniques in a way that’s easy to remember and understand. Think of it like a map where each position is a spot you can go to. From there, you can use transition techniques to move to better positions, escapes to get out of bad spots, and submissions to finish the game. By using this framework, you’ll be able to see how everything connects, making it way easier to level up your skills and game plan when you’re rolling.

🏆 The Ultimate Goal 🏆

The ultimate goal of JitsBook is to help you build your own Jiu-Jitsu mental-map.  This is where you organize how different positions and moves connect by using the JitsBook Framework and your own Jiu-Jitsu notes!  JitsBook also provides an easy way to practice your game with JitsBook Drills.  So you’ll always be rolling with a concrete game plan, be way more effective with your techniques, and have more fun training!

The JitsBook Method

The JitsBook Method is a guide on how to seamlessly integrate JitsBook into your training routines.  The method starts by promoting small, consistent habits to accelerate learning in Jiu-Jitsu. And begins with quick performance tracking and technique noting after each class.  Any person can effortlessly maintain these beginner habits. Then as these habits become more established, they can take on larger tasks like full note-taking, positional studies, and game development. Also, JitsBook’s weekly and monthly reports can be used as reminders to perform these tasks, taking the stress away from having to remember.  Thus over time, enabling better performance analysis, strategic adjustments, and faster progress in mastering Jiu-Jitsu.

Sign Up for JitsBook Today!

If you're serious about optimizing your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training, now's the perfect time to explore JitsBook. With features like performance tracking, organized technique notes, and mental mapping of your Jiu-Jitsu game, you'll enhance your progress and understanding of the art. Don't hesitate – sign up for JitsBook today and unlock a new level of efficiency in your training journey.